George Copeland Assistant Director for Cardinal Partnerships Saginaw Valley State University 7400 Bay Road University MI 48710 (989) 964-7374 [email protected]
Q: When did you begin working at your company? A: 2017
Q: When did you become a Chamber Ambassador? A: 2023
Q: What motivated you to become an Ambassador? A: This role allows me to contribute to the growth and success of my community while building meaningful relationships with other professionals.
Q: What’s the most memorable connection you’ve made as a Chamber Ambassador? A: I can’t say it’s a memorable connection, but I always enjoy the short, comical conversations sitting at the holes at the annual golf outing.
Q: What Chamber event do you look forward to the most and why? A: The Leadership Saginaw graduation. As a graduate, it’s great to know that people are committed to positively impacting our county.
Q: What’s one networking tip you’d share with new Chamber members? A: Focus on building genuine relationships by actively listening and showing interest in others’ goals and challenges.
Q: Tell us one fun fact about you that might surprise people. A: My first time visiting the UP was in 2023.
Q: What was your first job? A: Front desk employee at the Academic Advisement Center.
Q: What was your dream job as a child, and how does it compare to what you’re doing now? A: My dream job was to be a traveling preacher, and in a way, I get to live that dream. I now have the privilege of watching students grow as leaders. While I may not preach the Bible to them, I definitely share a message of growth and impact.
Q: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? A: Climb an active volcano in Costa Rica.
Q: What inspires or motivates you to keep giving back to the community? A: I am inspired to give back to the community by seeing the transformative impact of empowered leaders driving positive change and growth.