Q: When did you begin working at your company? A: I started with Re/Max New Image in 2020.
Q: When did you become a Chamber Ambassador? A: I became an Ambassador in 2023.
Q: What motivated you to become an Ambassador? A: The opportunity to meet new people, being able to new members, and staying in touch with what is happening in the community.
Q: What’s the most memorable connection you’ve made as a Chamber Ambassador? A: The connection I have made with the other Ambassadors.
Q: What Chamber event do you look forward to the most and why? A: There isn’t really just one event, I look forward to them all, because each event as it own reason. Some are welcoming new members to the chamber and community, others are for networking, and then there’s the social event that are meant to enjoy yourself and get to know the new and old members.
Q: What’s one networking tip you’d share with new Chamber members? A: Take advantage of the website.
Q: Tell us one fun fact about you that might surprise people. A: I get very nervous and anxious when speaking in large groups.
Q: What was your first job? A: My First job was at McyD’s!
Q: What was your dream job as a child, and how does it compare to what you’re doing now? A: My dream job as a child was to be a veterinarian, I would say they compare in the way of hospitality. Instead of helping families with their fur babies, I am able to help families find their home for their fur babies.
Q: What inspires or motivates you to keep giving back to the community? A: Knowing I am giving back to the community.