Q: When did you begin working at your company? A: July 2009 and November 2015
Q: When did you become a Chamber Ambassador? A: 2024 (plus two prior years)
Q: What motivated you to become an Ambassador? A: The love for our region propels me to want to support and offer assistance to succeed to businesses in our region as an Ambassador.
Q: What’s the most memorable connection you’ve made as a Chamber Ambassador? A: During a meeting at Horizon’s Conference Center, I had the most delightful visit with Charlie. We chatted about both our personal and professional lives. His story is truly remarkable. Making memorable connections like this is why I love being an Ambassador.
Q: What Chamber event do you look forward to the most and why? A: Business After Hours because of the relaxed atmosphere along with the yummy food and beverages served, provides a great opportunity to meet long time and new Chamber members.
Q: What’s one networking tip you’d share with new Chamber members? A: Attend the networking events. New connections equals new potential business.
Q: Tell us one fun fact about you that might surprise people. A: I hiked up the ski hill at Vail in September of 2019.
Q: What was your first job? A: Cashier at Shoprite in Vassar, MI.
Q: What was your dream job as a child, and how does it compare to what you’re doing now? A: I’ve always been one to want to help and advocate for others, my current role provides me this opportunity, and I get paid!
Q: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done? A: Tour Greece.
Q: What inspires or motivates you to keep giving back to the community? A: The people! I want for all to be blessed and to succeed.