Chamber Communications Archive
Following is an archive of email communications we've shared regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Information is constantly being updated and changed. The information provided below was correct at the time of posting.
COVID-19 Case Updates |
Chamber Legislative Updates |
The Saginaw Chamber actively advocates for its members and communicates through the Policy Pulse, Business Advocate Magazine and Legislative Events. Click the links to view.
Additional Updates
- 5/21/21 Legislative Leaders and Governor Reach Deal to Withdraw Permanent COVID-19 MIOSHA Rules Proposal
- 5/14/21 Governor Lifts Mask Mandate in All Settings for Fully Vaccinated Persons
- 5/11/21 Governor Announces In-Person Work Can Resume May 24, 2021
- 3/10/21 Commemorate with Lights Tonight. American Rescue Plan Passes. Vaccine Registration Opens to 50+
- 2/22/21 Economic Reintegration Strategy from the MRLA
- 2/4/21 Updated MDHHS Order Allows Contact Sports to Resume with Risk Reduction Measures on 2/8/21
- 1/22/21 Indoor Dining Reopens February 1; Caution and Focus on Enhanced Ventilation Recommended
- 1/18/21 Small Business Survival Grant Program Applications Open Tomorrow, 1/19/21 - 1/22/21
- 1/15/21 $55 Million Michigan Small Business Survival Grant Program to Open Application Jan. 19, $3.5 Million Available for Live Event Venue Grants, Treasury: Certain Businesses Affected by COVID-19 Epidemic Orders Provided Tax Assistance,
- 1/13/21 MDHHS Epidemic Order Allows Indoor Group Exercise, Non-Contact Sports to Resume January 16; Restaurants May Reopen February 1
- 1/8/21 Economic Injury Disaster Loan Application Deadline through Dec. 31, 2021, Paycheck Protection Program Reopens January 11, Vaccine Distribution Update
- 12/22/20 Senate and House Submit 5,593-Page Spending Bill to President Trump for Enactment, Highlights of $465M COVID Relief Package Passed By Michigan Legislators, New: Guide to Small Business COVID-19 Emergency Loans
- 12/18/20 MDHHS Adjusts Epidemic Order - Begins Cautious Re-Opening of High Schools and Indoor Entertainment following Successful Pause
- 12/14/20 Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative to Provide $10 Million in Grants for COVID-19 Recovery Efforts
- 12/8/20 MDHHS Extends Epidemic Order 12 Days to Ensure COVID-19 Surge is Stabilizing
- 12/3/20 Pure Michigan Small Business Relief Initiative to Provide $10 Million in Grants for COVID-19 Recovery Efforts
- 11/24/20 Chamber Living Local Campaign, Free COVID-19 Workplace Consultation, IRS Confirms Nondeductibiity of PPP-funded Expenses
- 11/16/20 CARES Act Grant available to help qualifying small businesses expand their capacity by adding weatherized, temporary outdoor facilities.
- 11/15/20 MDHHS Issues Three-Week Epidemic Order to Address Surge in COVID Cases
- 11/13/20 COVID-19 precautionary words, Governor Takes Action to Shut Down the Line 5 Dual Pipelines Through the Straits of Mackinac
- 11/12/20 Regional Hospitals Urge Community to Help Stop Spread of Virus, Worker Protections in Offices/Remote Work Policies, Carl M. Williams appointed to the Black Leadership Advisory Council
- 11/11/20 New Bipartisan Legislation, New Services and New Covid-19 App
- 11/6/20 Gatherings-Facemask Rule, UIA Leadership, and New Laws
- 10/30/20 MDHHS Tightens Rules for Indoor Gatherings
- 10/30/20 Going Pro Training Grant Applications for Business
- 10/21/20 Unemployment Agency Offers Phone Appointment Option
- 8/28/20 Executive Order Revisions and Extensions, Grants, $300 Unemployment Funds, and more
- 8/14/20 Liability Legislation Advocacy, PPP Loan Forgiveness, MI Mask Aid, and more
- 8/10/20 Executive Orders, Chambers Support Culture, Flood Relief Loan Webinar, New Food Security Council and more
- 8/4/20 Six State Testing Agreement, Census Deadline, COVID Enforcement, State & Federal Funding, Grant Deadlines Approach & More
- 7/30/20 MI Safe Start Order Limiting Indoor Gatherings, Michigan Small Business Restart Program Grant Application Deadline 8/5, Workplace safety grants, LEO $14M Apprenticeship Grants, Jail and Pretrial Incarceration Legislation Recommendations
- 7/15/20 Michigan Restart Program Grant Application Opens today, Remote Education and Supervision for Pharmacists, Chamber Joins Coalition for COVID-19 Liability Protections, Labor & Economic Opportunity Toolkit to Help Workplaces Stay Safe
- 7/14/20 Governor Extends Declared State of Emergency to Aug 11 and more
- 7/7/20 Chamber Announces Endorsements for August 4 Elections
- 6/26/20 Eviction Diversion Program, Professional Sports Return, Admin. Hearings, Tax Relief Legislation, New Task Force
- 6//24/20 Equality of Opportunity Summit Tomorrow, MI GOP Leaders Propose School Funding, Gov. Signs Bills into Law/Extends Executive Orders
- 6/18/20 MI State of Emergency Extension, Schools Reopening, Grocery & Pharmacy Protections, Gov. Supports Fed Relief Fund Usage Bill
- 6/15/20 Supreme Court Protects LGBT Employment Protections, Executive Orders on Statutes of Limitations, Summer Camps, Expansion of Law Enforcement Commission
- 6/08/20 Proposed policing overhaul, Pesticide applicators registration program, Detroit casinos reopening guidelines, Unemployment Fraud Task Force
- 6/05/20 Crime Prevention Council Community Letter, Flood Assistance from MI Realtors, SBA 2020 Small Bus Profiles, Reopenings, Youth Work Permits
- 6/04/20 Chamber President Denounces Racism, PPP Update, President Expedites Projects, Administrative Hearings by Phone/Video Extended
- 6/03/20 Governor Request to Extend Use of Michigan National Guard, Announces Plans for Police Reform and More
- 6/01/20 Governor Rescinds Safer at Home Order, Moves Michigan to Phase Four of MI Safe Start Plan
- 5/29/20 Volunteers Needed, Tax Foreclosure Deadline, New Workforce Board, Flood Insurance Tips
- 5/28/20 PPP Costs, Michigan National Guard, Flood Victim Donations, Food Program Suppliers, Dam Investigation, Tech Conference on Energy Industry
- 5/21/20 Judge Affirms Whitmer Authority - Whitmer Reopens Retail and Auto dealerships, Adds Safeguards - Flooding Resource Update
- 5/20/20 Saginaw County Flood Update
- 5/18/20 Chamber Board & Staff Offer Message of Hope - Expanded Worker Protections - Laboratory Research Resumes - Northern Michigan Reopens - Extension of Price Gouging Restrictions
- 5/15/20 Executive Order Extensions - Donate Plasma - Telehealth - Tax Appeal Deadline Extension - Governor Signs Natural Res./Env. Protection Act House Bill 5496 - Governor Announces Process for Reopening Schools - MIOSHA Guidelines/Hotline
- 5/14/20 Flags to be Lowered - Childcare Licenses/Protocols at Long Term Care Facilities - New Guidance on PPP Certification Requirements - Settlement Announced in Right to Read Case - New Scholarship from Davenport University
- 5/13/20 Take Reopening Survey - MI Entrepreneur Resilience Fund - MI Financial Institutions & PPP - Fed. Workshare Program - Executive Order extends Hospital Capacity/Efficiency
- 5/11/20 30,000 Mask Giveaway - Temporary Extension of Driver's Licenses, State ID, and Vehicle Registrations
- 5/08/20 Main Street Lending Program - College Student Food Assistance - COVID Health Care Job Portal - Residents Water Restored
- 5/07/20 Michigan in Phase 3 of MI Safe Start Plan - Mfg Re-opens May 28 - Preparedness Response Plans - And More
- 5/06/20 Saginaw Chamber & Saginaw Future Receive Grant from Consumers Energy Foundation to Support Saginaw County Small Businesses
- 5/01/20 FEMA Approves MI Homeless Shelter, Stay Home & Public Accommodation Closures Extended, K-12 Remote Learning, SBA Seeks Comments, Smith Appointed to Suicide Prevention Commission
- 4/29/20 Auto Insurance, Affordable Childcare and a new G.I. Bill Program Updates
- 4/29/20 Governor to Reopen Michigan Construction Industry May 7
- 4/27/20 It's All Protection - Paychecks, Personal Protection Orders, Jail-Juvenile Detention Populations, and Covid Patients
- 4/24/20 President Signs Aid Bill - Additional PPP Funds and More - New MiMortgage Relief Partnership
- 4/24/20 House Signs, Revised Stay Home Extends, Pay Increase for Direct Care Workers
- 4/24/20 Saginaw Chamber and Saginaw Future Jointly Announce Business Reopening Resources
- 4/22/20 Agreement Reached on New Coronavirus Aid Package
- 4/22/20 STARS Requires all Passengers Wear a Face Mask
- 4/16/20 Saginaw Chamber signs letter urging additional funds for Payroll Protection Program, Many organizations offer deferment assistance, Midwest Governors Announce Partnership to Reopen Regional Economy
- 4/14/20 Financial Relief for Bars, Extension of Expiration Dates for Cars/Drivers, Airports receive $256 Million in CARES Act Grants
- 4/13/20 Self-Employed & $600 Unemployment Payments Begin + Regional $400,000 Relief Grants Awarded
- 4/10/20 Extended Stay Home Stay Safe Order - New Racial Disparity Taskforce - COVID-19 Testing at Covenant Laboratory
- 4/08/20 Questions for Safe Workplace/Safe Behaviors task force, EO 2020-40 Ensuring continued flow of emergency medical supplies to Michigan, EO-2020-39 Suspends licensing and regulations of emergency medical services
- 4/06/20 Saginaw County Health Department Order regarding Personal Protection Equipment and Guidelines for those companies/entities still operating during EO 2020-21; Governor's Executive Order 2020-36 protects workers who stay home when they/close contacts are sick
- 4/03/20 Paycheck Protection Program Application Process update
- 4/02/20 How are you and how can we help? A brief survey to members.
- 4/01/20 Small Business Paycheck Protection Program Applications Available Beginning April 3, 2020
- 3/30/20 Business Update - Michigan Small Business Relief Program Funds due, CARES Act Loans, Governor's updates (unemployment, spending, veterinary procedures)
- 3/28/20 Massive Federal Coronavirus Aid Package Passes (CARES Act)
- 3/27/20 Change to Michigan Income Tax Filing Deadline
- 3/26/20 Senate Passes Economic Aid Bill Now Under Review by the House
- 3/23/20 Governor Whitmer Signs Stay Home Stay Safe Executive Order
- 3/20/20 URGENT REQUEST from Healthcare Systems for Personal Protection Equipment & Necessary Materials
- 3/19/20 SBA Loans Now Available for Michigan Businesses
- 3/17/20 Chamber Provides business and Community Resource Information
- 3/16/20 Governor Whitmer Expands Unemployment Benefits