We support major reforms in the ACA; not limited to repealing the act. We support reforms to make health care more affordable, that allow employers to provide cost-effective health care benefits, and that expand flexibility, transparency, competition and choice in the health insurance marketplace.
We support state and federal efforts that enable employers to provide cost-effective health care benefits, expand flexibility and competition, and allow out-of-state insurance plan purchases. We support choice in the health insurance marketplace and plans that promote and improve employee health status while opposing efforts to further tax insurance claims or premiums.
We oppose health insurance mandates and policy changes that ignore pricing differentials and/or the important role of the free market, especially in the area of benefit plan design, including benefit mandates, development of preferred network, pharmacy management tools and wellness programs.
We support reducing the most onerous burdens on job providers under the Affordable Care Act including the employer mandate, while promoting states' flexibility to implement strategies to help rein in health care costs, improve quality coverage and services and expand meaningful coverage to the uninsured.
We support protecting and funding the Healthy Michigan Plan because it works to reduce the uncompensated care cost shift to private health insurance purchasers and helps employers avoid payment of "pay or play" penalties under the ACA.
Questions about policy statements can be directed to Veronica Horn at 989-450-4750 or click here to email.