Tony Holstine, Business Development Manager and Interim Long-Term Care Administrator HealthSource Saginaw 3340 Hospital Rd. Saginaw, MI 48603 (989) 293-0054
Q: How long have you been with HealthSource Saginaw? A: Since September 2016.
Q: How long have you been a Chamber Ambassador? A: Since December 2016.
Q: What do you like about being an ambassador? A: Connections made and helping new members enjoy the benefits of the Chamber and get connected.
Q: Tell us a little about yourself. A: Grew up in the Skidway Lake area and went to Whittemore-Prescott High School. Graduated from CMU in 2002 with a BS in Actuarial Science. I'm a retired volunteer firefighter for Garfield Twp. I have three children; two daughters and one son. In my spare time I like to watch my kids play sports, hunt and go camping.
Q: What was your first job? A: Construction. I worked rebuilding houses, barns and decks.
Q: What is your greatest achievement? A: My children.
Q: What is your most prized possession? A: My Grandfather's 1920 Model 99 .300 Savage double barrel shotgun and his 38 Special.
Q: What is something unique in your office? A: An unopened time capsule unearthed during HealthSoure renovations on January 25, 2006. The capusule is believed to have been buried in the 1980's.
Q: What is your favorite Michigan travel location? A: Anywhere in the woods or on the water.