The Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce is committed to prioritizing legislative advocacy to influence and shape public policy helping to create a healthy, business-friendly community, region, and state. Part of that advocacy includes making endorsements for business-friendly candidates and ballot proposals. It is something the Chamber takes very seriously, so a careful vetting process helps ensure due diligence on the part of the Chamber Board of Directors.
The Process
As a policy, the Chamber does not endorse candidates in primaries believing that primaries are a function of the parties to select their own candidates. The only exception to this policy is if the primary will determine the winner of the position. In that case, the Chamber will consider candidates who request endorsement and have them follow the standard vetting process used for general election candidates.
The Process
As a policy, the Chamber does not endorse candidates in primaries believing that primaries are a function of the parties to select their own candidates. The only exception to this policy is if the primary will determine the winner of the position. In that case, the Chamber will consider candidates who request endorsement and have them follow the standard vetting process used for general election candidates.